Babysitters Now
matthew w.

matthew w.

District of Belconnen28 years old2 years of experiencefrom $25 per hour

Hi familys I run my own nanny business nanny Manny PoppIns. I offer different options tailored to each familys needs. I started babysitting for my nieces. Then in the last year i have expanded to babysitting for other familys little ones. As well as currently learning to teach children how to swim and be safe in the water. I also have experience with neurodivergent children and children with disabilities. I also offer school holiday care currently

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39 users have contacted them
District of Belconnen, ACT
max. travel distance - 30 km
  1. Child carefrom $25 per hour
    1. Babysittersfrom $30 per hour
    2. Nanniesfrom $40 per hour
    3. Parent's helpfrom $25 per hour
2 years of experience
I can start immediately
from 2024-11-18
07:00 - 22:30
  • I can cook
  • I can clean
  • I can drive
  • I don't smoke
  • I can do shopping
  • I can go outside together
  • I can work with pets
  • I can work with the disabled
  • I can work in my own home
  • I can use my own car
Children's age
    4-12 years old
Max. number of kids
  • First aid courses
  • Child care courses
  • English