Diane C.

Diane C.

Mandurahfrom 20 AUD per hour

Supporting children and their parents through loving kindness and respect. I retired from the WA Government in 2014 where I had pursued a lifestyle of working long hours for financial reward. In August 2016 I received a Certificate IV in Ageing Support and began working as a carer. I work with people of all ages, and abilities, including children. Many of the people I work with need assistance because their behaviours require a professional approach and others have physical or intellectual disabilities, which means they need support to optimise their abilities and fill in the gaps. At last I work for spiritual reward, spending time with people of all ages, contributing to their personal happiness and learning experiences in a positive way. I don't support physical, mental or verbal violence but instruct with honesty and options. I am happy to cook and take on some house work when there is time. My primary role is to provide support and a social opportunity, focusing on fun, safety, wellbeing, whilst promoting personal growth.

Phone number:
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9 users have contacted them
Mandurah, City of Mandurah, Western Australia
and 25 km around
  1. Child carefrom 20 AUD per hour
    1. Babysittersfrom 20 AUD per hour
    2. Nanniesfrom 20 AUD per hour
    3. Parent's helpfrom 20 AUD per hour
I can start immediately
  • I can go outside together
  • I can cook
  • I can clean
  • I can drive
  • I can use my own car
Children's age
    0-18 years old
Higher education
Dip Bus Admin; Cert IV Training
Dip Counselling - grief & relationships
  • English